Words are Powerful; Use Responsibly

March 5, 2013

Words are the most powerful weapon that humankind has at its disposal. Guns and knives are nothing compared to the damage that words can cause. They have the power to invoke our dreams or destroy them. Most of the time, we do not think of the effect of our words before they are spoken and, at times, that can be a problem. I know I have a problem with just speaking my mind with my family (especially growing up) and my friends. This makes me have to stop and think. Looking back, I remember arguing with my mom or dad and they would constantly tell me to “stop being a smart aleck!”

The biggest problem with our words is that we sometimes use malicious words intentionally to hurt others. This is also one of my biggest faults because, for example, when I get riled up at someone, I think of something that will anger them so that they will leave me alone and it is not the wisest choice. If you have this problem, just stop. Stop and think of how much this can hurt the person you are angry with. The problem with words is that they are charmers. They hook, line and sink us with their manipulative power. Let’s get real for second, guys. How many times have you used your words to get your way? I am going to be the first to say yes I have. Let’s say you are desperate to make a trip to Wal-Mart, but you need a ride. So you need to finagle a clever way to ask without making the driver feel like you are using them for their vehicle.

Words can do some damage to another person, but they can also be uplifting and encouraging. For instance, when I am discouraged and stressed, I like to pick up my Bible and read a few passages from Proverbs or Jeremiah. I cannot tell you how amazing I feel afterwards, just spending a little alone time with God’s word. Because of words, we have been able to weave together stories that captivate us, music that bewitches us and poetry that mesmerizes us.

One of my favorite poems, for instance, is “To His Coy Mistress” by Andrew Marvell, and I cannot stop repeating it in my head. Next time you need some comfort, pick up your favorite book or listen to your favorite song that you know will perk up your spirits and bring a smile to your gloomy face. Words can take us on a quest that will  enlighten our minds and bring peace to our souls. Why do you think we have those Chicken Soup for the Soul books? They motivate us! We live and breathe words. Words are a huge paradox because we love and hate them. In her novel “The Thirteenth Tale”, Diane Setterfield states “There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic.”

Words are powerful. It’s up to us to use that power responsibly.

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