The Heart of Ouachita is inspired by those who make this university such a wonderful place. Without our alumni, staff, faculty and current students, none of this would be possible.
Ouachita Grads
Tiffany Lee: Class of 2019

What does Ouachita mean to you?
“OBU is home. It will forever hold such a special place in my heart! I learned so many lessons while at Ouachita. I made lifelong friends who will stand by me on my wedding day and made memories to last a lifetime. I’m beyond thankful for my favorite 4 years and the big smile on my face when I talk about my Alma mater. It’s so fun to know wherever I go I’ll somehow always find a Ouachita connection. We truly are a family.”
What advice would you give to someone about to graduate from Ouachita?
“Going into post grad life I wish someone would’ve told me it’s going to be hard sometimes. When you graduate, sometimes it’s tough and it’s lonely and you’re wondering if you made the right career choice. But during those times it’s important you trust in the Lord and the fact He has you exactly where you He wants you. And it’s even more important to remember you’re there for Him and not for you. Social media can be so deceiving. So when you’re scrolling through and see one friend on vacation and another posting from her dream job, just know it’s a post in a good moment and they have the same struggles. And I promise, paying bills is not fun but adulting, even with its highs and lows, is fun.”
Sara Patterson: Class of 2022

What does Ouachita mean to you?
“A”t risk of sounding overly-sentimental, OBU means everything to me! As an alumni, I see it as a solid foundation for adulthood in a lot of ways. I discovered my career path, gained a well-rounded education, made lifelong friends, and established meaningful connections with faculty and staff during my time at Ouachita. In my post-grad life, I constantly see ways that classes or conversations I had at OBU benefit me now.”
What advice would you give to someone about to graduate from Ouachita?
To graduating seniors, I would say expect post-grad life to be different! This may seem obvious, but especially if you are continuing your studies in grad school or you aren’t moving very far away, you may not be expecting to experience much change. But, no matter how drastic of a change your post-grad life will be, leaving the Ouachita bubble seems to be a significant transition for all of my peers. Expect and embrace the change!
Kelley George: Class of 2000

What does Ouachita mean to you?
“It’s a way of life! It’s not just somewhere you go or send your kids to, it is what shapes you into adulthood.”
What advice would you give to someone about to graduate from Ouachita?
“Stay in contact with your professors, because they don’t stop teaching you the day you leave Ouachita, they keep teaching and guiding you after you’re gone!”
Michael Richardson: Class of 2018

What does Ouachita mean to you?
“Ouachita is home to so many of my most cherished memories. From hilarious moments and bizarre situations, to deep and sometimes difficult conversations with friends, I wouldn’t trade any moment of it. There are many tough life challenges, and new situations as a college student that you will find yourself in that you may not have faced before. It was during my time as a student I fell in love with storytelling. It was through my time as a student I fell in love with creating. I genuinely mean it when I say that I would not be who I am today were it not for the friends, professors, mentors, and opportunities that came from being at such an amazing university. “
What advice would you give to someone about to graduate from Ouachita?
“If I was to give any advice to students heading into post grad, I would say to hold your plans loosely. There is one thing that God has continued to show me time after time, that His ways are not our ways, and, as Ephesians 3:20 says, God is able to do far more than we could ask or imagine. However, don’t be so rigid in your pursuit of what you may feel called to do, or what you want to do, that you ignore the unique routes and opportunities that the Lord sets before you. you to where God is taking you.”
Clay Partridge: Class of 1996

What does Ouachita mean to you?
“I love OBU for many reasons. It’s where I met my wife as well as many of my lifelong friends. I was challenged academically and I believe that it prepared me well for life after college, as it provided me with many professional contacts that I still have today. Being a smaller baptist college, OBU allowed me the opportunity to be surrounded by people that shared my Christian beliefs. I tell people often that, while I don’t recall putting a great amount of thought into it, going to OBU was one of the best decisions I ever made.”
What advice would you give to someone about to graduate from Ouachita?
“Don’t rush to graduate just so that you can get a job and start earning money. Enjoy your years at college and take classes that may stir your interest in a career that you may not have originally considered. Form friendships with your professors. They can be your biggest advocates as you leave OBU and enter adulthood.”