Intramurals: Why Are They Such a Big Deal?

December 8, 2022

By Katie Bayer, Staff Writer

November 20, 2022

During the fall semester, college students normally come to life with the excitement of football, seasonal sports and other campus traditions. But one of the most overlooked activities may be intramurals, minor league football’s “nerdy cousin”. Nine times out of ten, these events aren’t given a second thought from most of the campus. Thoughts of “I have too much homework to do” or “What’s the big deal?” may enter students’ minds. What’s the big deal, indeed? Why, I’m so glad you asked. 

As it turns out, intramurals have a lot to offer. For one, there is an intramural game for everyone. Games like flag football, volleyball, basketball, and volleyball are available, as well as lesser-known sports like human foosball, water polo, and ultimate frisbee. Each of these options are designed to be inclusive to people across the athletic spectrum. Not as interested in the sport currently being played? No problem! New intramural games are always in circulation to better appeal to campus, fitting in around five to six different intramural events per semester. And best of all, each game only lasts from 30 minutes to an hour, so it isn’t a major time commitment. 

One of the benefits of having so many intramurals to choose from is that you get to learn more about your personal tastes. The sports system is beautifully orchestrated to allow students to participate in more than one sport during a semester, giving you the chance to broaden your horizons and try your hand at endless amounts of games. 

Another thing that makes intramurals great is how they build sportsmanship and team-building skills. While the games are designed to be low-pressure and fun, sometimes things can get competitive. In these instances, your skills in strategy are put to the test, making for a stimulating game of wits in addition to an afternoon of enjoyable exercise. 

Finally, and arguably most important of all, intramural sports are a perfect way for students to get involved on campus. For new freshmen, the intramural outlet helps you better connect with friends you’ve made through WOW or class, but it also helps you meet new people from all different age groups, backgrounds, and majors. At a school like Ouachita, everyone is friendly and always ready to make new connections, which makes the activity even more laid-back. 

Overall, intramural sports are fun, and are, most definitely, a big deal! The next time you feel like trying something new, spending time with friends, or just want to get rid of some workload anxiety, give intramurals a shot. It’s sure to be a “slam dunk”. 

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