New men’s social club preps to join campus

February 5, 2024

By Kate Ellis, News Editor

On any given night during the beginning of 2023’s fall semester, Ouachita’s campus was most likely bustling with predictable Ouachitonian activities. Perhaps a handful of students were in Tunes practice, while some were studying for the first wave of exams or others strategizing about their dates for upcoming TWIRP dances. But while most students were caught up in the tried-and-true rhythms of college life, a historic meeting was taking place for the budding new men’s social club on campus, The Men of Men. 

Since the founding of Eta Alpha Omega in 1997, there have only been four men’s clubs, an unequal counterpart to the five women’s clubs. However, with a seven-page constitution drawn up and 18 current members, it seems that the fifth official club is on its way. Junior Joseph Osborne, the newly appointed vice president of The Men of Men, shares how the club came to fruition and the deeper meaning behind the letters.

“The Greek letters of Men are Mu Xi Nu. Each letter has a meaning, and the middle letter, Xi, has three meanings,” Osbourne said. “The pillars stand for respect for creation, respect for yourself and others and respect for hard work and dedication. We want to be a club that creates another area for men to get involved on campus and produces good Christian leaders, which can be hard to find in the world that we live in today. We’re starting with a very Christ-focused vision. Hopefully, this club lasts a long time and our vision stays true for many years to come.”

 Even though Ouachita’s small campus often cultivates community naturally, it can be difficult to find a sense of belonging, a home away from home. Nathan Price, director of internal committees for the Men of Men, shares why he felt led to start this process.

“My sister, who is a junior here, was trying to typecast me by telling me which clubs I would fit in, so I started looking into them,” Price said. “There are some really awesome people in each club, but as I got to campus and started meeting people, I found a lot of guys on campus did not rush because they did not find a spot where they fit. There was an apparent need for another men’s group. So, a group of us started brainstorming and asked ourselves a few fundamental questions. What would happen if we did this? What would we want to stand for?”

Currently, the club has completed all the formalities and paperwork and is waiting on the green light from Student Life. The club, whose official colors will be olive green, sage green, brown and cream, has already crafted a mission statement and set of values that outlines the club’s plans for the future. The Men of Men strives to be a group of Christian men, united in the belief that true men are called to love God, love others and exercise spiritual discipline in accordance with Biblical principles and teachings. They aspire to be a close-knit group of brothers designated to emphasize fellowship, discipleship and evangelism in the Ouachita community. Price shares how their Christian beliefs have affected every decision in this process, down to the club mascot. 

“Instead of going for a regular owl, where it is common for the mother to go hunt for the food and take care of the children, we decided on the Eagle-owl as the mascot,” Price said. “For this specific species, it is the father that goes out and searches for food for the family, as he is the provider. We want this to serve as a reminder for us to not only look out for ourselves. We want to be reliable, trustworthy men of God.”

After months of preparation, documentation and meetings, The Men of Men will see what was once a mere idea transform into an official club this semester. 

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