Ouachita students ready for Battle of the Ravine week

November 5, 2015

The air is crisp. The leaves are turning. The smell of fall lingers in the atmosphere, beckoning the arrival of warm sweaters, late-night bonfires, and the ever-faithful pumpkin-spice lattes. For Ouachita students, however, the season signals something far greater. It is a call to gather together, to stand and cheer. Listen closely, Tiger Nation. A battle is brewing.

For almost 90 years, Ouachita students have assembled to celebrate their rivalry with Henderson State University in what has become known as the Battle of the Ravine, the oldest college football rivalry in NCAA Division II. This year the battle will be held at Ouachita’s Cliff Harris Stadium on Nov. 14 at 1 p.m.

Continuing a tradition that began in 1895, each class will be responsible for guarding the Tiger around the clock for one night on the week leading up to Battle of the Ravine.

“Guarding the Tiger at night is a great opportunity to bond with your fellow classmates,” Mari Bednar junior student senate executive member said. “Even though we know most of our class mates, I feel like when you stay out all night together you get to know each other on a better basis. Plus, it’s lots of fun.”

“My favorite part about Battle of the Ravine is the Guarding of the Tiger,” Will Hanna, junior biology major, said. “It’s so fun that we have people up all night, all week long. I have lots of good memories from hanging out all night.”

During this time, social clubs and organizations will host a variety of events, which are open to all Ouachita students.

Nov. 9, the senior class will kick off the week by guarding the Tiger. Along with this, Campus Activities will be showing a movie on the lawn at 8:30 p.m. Popcorn will be provided courtesy of student senate.

The junior class will take over guarding duties on Tuesday Nov. 10, while the women of EEE host their annual chili night and Chi Rho Phi supplies entertainment through karaoke. Both events will start at 8:30 p.m.

Sophomores will guard the Tiger on Wednesday alongside Eta Alpha Omega and Kappa Chi.
The Eta’s will serve apple cider and the Kappa’s will host Car Bash starting at 8:30 p.m. Along with this, Kappa Chi will also start their Kappa Assassins event in which individuals who sign up will be assigned a target (another player) to hunt down and shoot with a Nerf gun, while also being hunted by another player in the same way. The last player standing will win a $30 Visa gift card. Sign up is available until Nov. 8 and costs $3.

The freshman class will be in charge of guarding the Tiger Thursday night. The night’s festivities will begin with a campus bonfire at the intramural fields at 7 p.m. After the bonfire, the women of Tri Chi and the men of Sigma Alpha Sigma will provide students will hot chocolate and s’mores at 10:15 p.m.

Student Senate and the social clubs will begin tailgating at 11 a.m. on Saturday before the game. Kickoff will start at 1 p.m.

“[Battle of the Ravine] has been such a great tradition because it involves all of Ouachita,” Josh Rubin, student body president stated. “I think all the events that happen during the week—all the clubs and classes that come together—is what makes it such a significant part of Ouachita history.”

“Battle of the Ravine is so important because of how much it brings our school together as we face our rivals across the street,” Michael Richardson, sophomore Christian studies major noted. “Competition like this sparks unity and community within the student and staff body, reminding us of what makes Ouachita so great—we are all one big family, we are one big Tiger Nation.”

For more information on the Battle of the Ravine student events at Ouachita, contact Student Senate President Josh Rubin at rub54928@obu.edu.

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